Spring is here, meaning allergy season is too. DoctorsCare has some tips on how to manage your allergies, so they don’t get in the way of your day
Flowers, trees, weeds, and grasses grow and bloom in the spring, producing pollen that can trigger allergy symptoms. Pollen from grasses, trees, and weeds are light enough to travel by wind and cause the most issues.
Need a plan? First, you should visit a board-certified allergist to determine what you’re allergic to. They will be able to help you with a treatment plan. If your allergies aren’t severe, follow these tips below for relief.
How to get relief
- Take allergy medicines, like antihistamines, before allergy season begins.
- Use a nasal spray before your symptoms start.
- Keep your windows closed.
- Remove your shoes before entering your home.
- Change and wash your clothes after being outside.
- Clean pollen off your pets with a towel before they come into your home.
- Keep your indoor air clean by changing your air filters frequently during allergy season.
How to reduce exposure when you’re outside
- Wear sunglasses and a hat.
- Wear gloves, sunglasses or goggles, and an N95-rated mask when doing yard work.
- Set your car’s air conditioner to the recirculate air setting.
- Avoid going outside from 5am to 10am and at dusk, as that’s when pollen is usually the highest.
For many people, taking over-the-counter medications and avoiding allergens is enough to ease their symptoms. If you have bad seasonal allergies, your doctor may require tests to determine which allergens trigger your symptoms. Don’t give up; there are several treatments available.
If your symptoms persist, our DoctorsCare team is standing by to help. If you have questions or are experiencing a minor but not major medical issue, call us or visit one of our two conveniently located offices in Clarksville. We accept walk-in patients of all ages during all hours of operation. No appointment necessary! Walk-in, feel better!