National Poison Prevention Week
DoctorsCare wants you to be aware of the dangers of poisoning and how to prevent them.
- More than 2 million poisonings are reported each year to the poison control centers across the country
- 90% of these occur at home
- The majority occur in children younger than 6 years old
- Unintentional poisoning is now the leading cause of death from injuries in the US.
With spring cleaning and yard work, the accessibility to chemicals increases. Here’s what to watch out for and how to protect yourself and others from poisoning.
Household Cleaners and Chemicals
- Lock up pesticides and household chemicals out of reach of children.
- Keep poisons in their original containers with the warning label intact.
- Never mix chemicals. Some chemical compounds create a poisonous gas.
- Wear masks, turn on fans and open windows when using strong chemicals indoors.
- Do not expose your skin to harsh chemicals like drain cleaners and oven cleaners.
- Never sniff an unlabeled container to see what’s inside.
- Discard old or outdated products.
- Read the label first for precautions and instructions on how to properly use it.
- Be aware that pesticides can be absorbed through the skin or by inhalation.
- Stay away from areas that have recently been sprayed for at least one hour.
- Rinse skin under running water for 15 – 20 minutes if contacted with pesticides.
What to do if you suspect someone has been poisoned:
- FIRST – Go immediately to the emergency room in cases of suspected poisoning.
- Call Poison Control 1-800-222-1222. Help is a phone call away and knowing what to do can make a big difference.
- Be prepared with facts (age, weight, etc.)
- Have the label ready when you call.
- Listen carefully and follow instructions.
DoctorsCare has been serving Clarksville, TN since opening in 2002. Our walk-in centers are designed for life’s little twists and turns and we accept walk-in patients of all ages. We’re the perfect alternative if medical treatment is needed before or after your regular physician’s office hours, on weekends, if you’re traveling or if you are unable to get an appointment to see your primary care physician promptly.
We have 2 conveniently located offices in Clarksville:
- Sango Office – 2302 Madison Street (931) 245-2400
- St. Bethlehem office – 2320 Wilma Rudolph Blvd. (931) 645-1564